Something Fishy – TR Series Demo
Something Fishy – TR Series Demo
Merit Sensor introduced a new product demonstration for their TR Series MEMS pressure sensor at Sensor+Test in Nürnberg, Germany (May 19-21, 2015) and Sensors Expo in Long Beach California (June 9-11). “Something Fishy” was the brain child of 3 of our very talented engineers, Greg Liddiard, BJ Minson, and Chris Peterson, who designed and built a demonstration that showed the excellent stability and accuracy of the TR Series pressure sensor and its harsh media compatibility.
In Q2 of 2014 Rick Russell, President of Merit Sensor, announced an engineering competition for all of the engineers within the Sensors division to come up with a trade show and exhibition demonstration. The winning entry was “Something Fishy” by Greg Liddiard, BJ Minson, and Chris Peterson. Initially the design was a large clear tank that would contain many mechanical fish using pressure sensors to sit at a specific level within the tank. Someone would then stir up the water in the tank and send the mechanical fish off in different directions and at different depths, and as soon as the stirring stopped the fish would go back to their specific levels within the tank. This design posed an issue though as we could only control the height of the fish in the tank but not where they sat on the horizontal axis. As a result the three engineers decided to simplify the design by using just one mechanical fish (aka “Squido”) in a vertical tank. By using the single fish in a vertical tank we were able to show the accuracy and stability better than had we used the large tank with many fish. In addition this also afforded the engineers to connect the Squido via Bluetooth to a tablet and write an app to be able to control Squido in real time with a real time reading of the pressure within the tank.